Ritual Services
If you lack the confidence and privacy to perform your own ritual service, Setting Lights will do it for you. Your ritual service will build a foundation from which you can continue to work on all long standing difficult problems. Negative conditions and situations that have been in effect for a long time will be harder to rectify so we recommend follow up candle burning on your ritual seal once the service has been done. The whole process should bring you to an understanding on how to act and think in order to resolve your problems. The saints and spirits know when you've reached enlightenment and will answer your petition at the appropriate time. ALL FOLLOW UP CORRESPONDENCE AND NOTICFICATIONS ARE SENT TO THE EMAIL ADDRESS ON THE ORDER. This is done to prevent against fraud.
Ritual Service - Steady Work Better Employment
From $100.00 - $205.00
Ritual Service - Uncrossing Jinx Removing Spell Breaker
From $100.00 - $205.00
Ritual Service - White Skull Mind Cleansing
From $100.00 - $205.00